We Specialize in
Postnatal Services
Postnatal Care
We take care the physical and emotional wellbeing of both mother and baby, manage any complications that may arise after childbirth.
Postnatal Meal
We serve 5 delicious and nutritious meals a day specially designed for confinement care and better lactation.
Baby Feeding
We feed the baby with breast milk or formula every 4 hours to ensure comprehensive development and adequate nutrition.
Postnatal Massage
We hire professional caregivers provide postpartum massage to help mothers relax and restore their pre-pregnancy physique.
Why Choose Us
At Gracie Confinement Centre, we strive to provide unparalleled care for mothers and their infants by integrating traditional Chinese confinement practices with cutting-edge medical care.
Our unique approach combines the benefits of traditional Eastern confinement practices with the advancements of modern Western medicine, allowing us to deliver the highest quality care and support to both mother and child.
Postnatal Treatment
Parenting Workshop
Nutritious Meal
Secured Environment
Parent & Baby Bonding
Comfortabe Room
Our Accomodation
Standard Room

Deluxe Room

- Private Bathroom
- TV
- Wi-Fi
- Fridge
- Dining Table
- Air-Coditioner
- Private Bathroom
- TV
- Wi-Fi
- Sofa Bed
- Fridge
- Dining Table
- Air-Coditioner
Our Facilities


Activity Hall

Baby Room

What Our Customers Say About Us
Janice Hee SE17 April 2023recommends This is my 2nd time staying in Gracie, the first-round experience was great, and I felt better with some improvements and familiar faces for this 2nd round. Confinement staying is relax and well taken care of for the mum and the baby. If you are looking for a confinement centre, you may not want to miss this, there's so much to offer! Highly recommended. Cheers~~ YiChen Chu11 April 2023recommends 房间很舒服,环境非常漂亮 月子餐很好吃 负责人,照顾宝宝的nurse和打扫房间的kakak都很nice, 对宝宝也都很有爱心 谢谢Gracie ❤️ Hui Yoong Yap25 March 2023recommends 不是很明白为什么这么少review. 本身体验是真的不错,有在家的感觉 非常建议有大宝的也一起进来住,因为地方真的非常大 食物非常健康又好吃,每一餐都会帮你保温 环境够大而且有两层楼 每间房间都非常大 按摩very舒服 客服一流,而且有求必应 护士都非常热情,还会把你的宝宝养到肥肥胖胖 需要改进的地方如网速不够好,可是整体的体验还是不错的,最重要还是住的开心 谢谢Gracie的团队们💖💖 Wan Yi21 February 2023recommends Thanks to Gracie confinement team for making my confinement a relax and enjoyable month. Great environment & superb services, very professional & friendly staff to help everything and anything. Tammy Chow15 February 2023recommends 从询问到check out,Vynn都很快回复我的疑问和细心地解答。因为临时需要催生,她也能配合安排我提早入住,大概比我的预产期提早了三个星期。入住后几天,房间的厕所有漏水问题,她也很有效率地帮我解决,给我安排暂时换房,然后第二天就修理好了。 Madam Kwong也很细心回答我的所有疑问。因为我的宝宝的黄疸问题,我和老公需要经常带宝宝到诊所复诊。每当我从诊所回到中心,Madam Kwong和护士都会迎接我们,并关心宝宝的状况,谢谢你们。❤️除此以外,这里也有儿科医生上门为宝宝检查。医生也会耐心回答我的疑问和给予意见,让我更放心。 这里的月子餐也很美味,用料很足,而且早餐总是有惊喜,有西式的,有日式的,有中式的。炒米茶和红枣水也是无限供应。另外这区也有很多美食,就算老公来这里过夜,也不会怕找不到东西吃。 这里的护士们全都很细心照顾宝宝。而且总是很耐心回答我的疑问。因为是新手妈妈,所以有特别多的疑问,也想学习更多照顾孩子和哺乳的方法,她们都会给予实用的建议。 清洁和送餐的Kakak也很有礼貌和效率。她们每天都会准时来倒垃圾和收脏衣服去洗。有一个小小建议,可以的话,衣服要标记是哪间房会比较好,那就不会和中心的或其他的妈妈的衣物搞乱。 还有一点我特别喜欢的是,我早上可以到庭院去走走,伸展一下,呼吸新鲜空气。因为吉隆坡一带多数都是店屋型,比较少见有庭院和专属停车位的月子中心。 非常推荐Gracie Confinement Center给各位孕妈妈哦!❤️ Mandy Choo14 February 2023recommends A good place to have your confinement after child birth. The people in charge, Vynn and Aunty are very helpful and friendly. From the the initial enquiries abt the centre, till I checked in, they are very prompt in fulfilling my requests. Nurses are friendly and so are the workers. Confinement food here are nutritious and delicious too. Nurses here are able to take care of your baby 24/7 while you concentrate on recovery and healing. Rooms are spacious and there’s cleaning service everyday. There are also classes like breastfeeding class, breastmilk storage class, baby massage class, etc. The Best part for elder kids who stay in with their mothers are that they can feed the fishes at the pond in their beautiful garden. Beh Ee Ling21 January 2023recommends 是一间以后如果有机会还会想要入住的月子中心. 环境很舒服很适合妈妈好好的调理身体. 护士们很专业也非常有耐心的教导新手妈妈如何照顾婴儿. 谢谢 Rina, Zhi Yuen, Tiha, Miera, Mia, Azreen, Rose等等. 月子中心也有提供照jaundice and phototherapy 的服务 非常方便。常驻的儿科医生也非常有耐心和细心的回答所有有关baby的问题。 食物一级棒。除了好吃,有营养, 也感受到了月子中心的用心基本上都不太重样。食物多以中式为主 也有西式和日式。下午茶总是让人很期待。 最重要的是月子中心由上到下大家都很friendly很有人情味. 有几次我们带宝宝去复诊回来打开门aunty和护士都站在外面等我们回来。还有几天我身体不舒服食物吃不太下kakak也是很担心的来关心我 就连urut kakak 和月子中心推荐的泌乳师也是很棒!😊 Veevian Lim19 October 2022recommends 感谢Gracie 月子中所有全体工作人员让我安心在月子中渡过28天和极速康复 第一天到月子中心当时的我脸色苍白和坐轮椅,由于生产时失血过多 Gracie 月子中心的护士们很专业训练新手妈妈,不吝啬会把全部会的教新手妈妈。护士们非常专业和细心在月子期间宝宝 “心跳和呼吸”特别快幸好护士们急时发现 月子中心的的糖水特别好喝和月子餐很健康。 在此特别感Vynn和护士团队的Miera ,Rose ,Azreen ,Zhi Yuen 和Stephanie KwanYew Woo20 July 2022recommends My wife stayed at Gracie Confinement Centre after delivery of our 2nd child. I would say this was one of the best decision, wife getting enough rest and baby receiving professional nursing care. 5 nutritious meals a day, massage sessions, paediatrician visits for baby, room service and 24 hour baby care. My 1st child and I get to stay at Gracie also, which made my wife feel more supported. Highly recommended to all expecting mothers. C.Y. Liew2 July 2022recommends 就这样结束了28天的月子生活,时间过得真快, 有了非常充分的休息。 简单地说一句:如果让我重新再选,我还是会选择Gracie。😇 第一、Nursery让我放一百万个心 💯 在我身体状况还没好时她们从不打扰我, 在我恢复体力后,她们很有耐心地教导我怎样照顾宝宝。 只要我们有心想学,她们都愿意分享经验, 甚至教导我们怎样解决回家后可能会面临的种种问题。尤其是值夜班的这两位护士Azreen & Rose,Gracie老板是时候好好嘉奖她们,真的很棒! 第二、虽然这里没有测量黄疸的仪器,但是有合作的儿科医生,28天内来检查宝宝两次, 相当足够。 我们两夫妻不需要跑诊所,减轻了很多烦恼。 第三、只容纳8-9个产妇, 让在疫情期间坐月子的我感觉安心多了。 谢谢Gracie 🙏 Until we meet again!